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Arbury Carnival 2024 - We Love The '80s & '90s

The wonderful Arbury Carnival this year takes as its theme the 1980s and 1990s. The fabulous procession will be making its way across the old Arbury Meadows from Minerva Way to the Arbury Town Park, where there will be many attractions to make a great day.

That fabulous mythical creature the kracken was a benevolent presence at last year's Carnival, as it romped across the historic Arbury Meadows from Minerva Way to the Arbury Town Park.

As usual, the Carnival is organised by volunteers - for the community by the community - and, as usual, we say a great big thank you to all those involved.

The '80s and '90s... well, decades of huge change and colourful fashions.

We still remember the Rubik's Cube and the shell suits and the brick sized mobile phones (available in the UK from 1985 onwards) and the invention of the World Wide Web and the deely boppers and the Kids From Fame and the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the launch of the Space Shuttle and the Power Dressing and the neon fashions and the house music and the synth pop and the Brit pop...

Can't wait to see the procession!

Modern Arbury - a vibrant scene from a recent Carnival. People have lived in the Arbury district for over 2000 years and the name originates from the prehistoric earthwork, which became the name of the road and the meadows north of the road.

Arbury Town Park is situated on the corner of Campkin Road and Arbury Road and was once part of the historic Arbury Meadows, land north of the original Arbury Road, adjacent to the prehistoric Arbury earthwork at Orchard Park (originally Arbury Park and, before that, Arbury Camp Farm). Many historic finds have been found in the Arbury Meadows, including a Roman villa and Iron Age remains.

The whole Carnival depends on volunteers, and if you would like to help, please email

The Arbury Carnival website is here.

Historic Arbury... spot Arbury Court, Arbury Camp, the Guided Busway site and the Arbury Town Park, site of the Arbury Carnival, on our historic map!


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