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The Great Arbury Carnival Whip-Round!

The Arbury Carnival mapped in historical context - the event takes place just a couple of fields away from the site of the ancient human settlement that gives the district its name, in the old Arbury/Harborough Meadows. Harborough was a variation on the Arbury name, and the names were interchangeable - derived from the ancient earthwork. A newspaper article from 1839 refers to 'Arbury Meadows' and t
he 'Harborough' form was used for the 1840 Chesterton Enclosures map. An 1829 newspaper advertisement reveals the presence of a property near the Cambridge/Histon Road called 'Arbury Hedges'. Note Arbury Road connects Histon Road with Milton Road. This was so until the late 1970s, when an extension of the formerly dead-end King's Hedges Road redirected it across the Arbury Meadows and lopped off the original end of Arbury Road.

The Arbury area after the 1840 Enclosures, which brought into existence the Hall and Manor Farms. We have marked on the Manor Farm field names.

Many thanks to all Arbury community and Arbury Cambridge Blog supporters who contributed to our whip-round, raising £750 [update: the final amount was over £1,000] to ensure the wonderful Arbury Carnival can continue next year.

The Carnival is an essential to us, a day when we can gather together in all our modern and vibrant unity to celebrate being friends and neighbours, and a day when others can visit the historic Arbury area, participate and enjoy.

There has been a lot of interest in Arbury since we started the blog, and we are very happy with that - and grateful to all those who take the time to support and take part.


  1. Hi - as a friend of the carnival, I have to say how amazing it was to see you guys come through like that today. The Arbury community spirit lives on!

    I do also know that there will be an AGM on 25th June (details through Arbury Carnival facebook page). It's not just money that's needed, it's people willing to commit some of their time as well, if the Carnival is to continue. Would it be possible for you to help spread the word about that as well?

    1. We'll do our best. We'll certainly publish a blog post about it and alert friends and contacts. Sorry we can't help ourselves in that way at the moment. One of our members is currently long-term sick and there is a lot to do. We want the Carnival to continue. It is one of the things about Arbury we love best.

    2. Great to throw a bit of dosh in the pot - Arbury is dear to my heart. Also smashing to see Councillor Alex Collis's positive attitude towards North Arbury. These are good days for Arbury and the sense of community amongst its people. Ta muchly!

    3. We never expected so much enthusiasm! Great night - true spirit of Arbury, with everybody chipping in with funding for a much needed community event. We even had contributions from some ex-Arbury folk - you can take the person out of Arbury, but you can't take the Arbury out of the person! As you know, we love the place. Writing the blog and flipping through various eras is great, and Councillor Collis's recognition of North Arbury has really heartened us. Arbury is home.


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