No doubt the best community-building publication in Arbury history (perhaps even in the whole of Cambridge!) Arbury Is Where We Live! - 1981.
What was life like at the Manor Farm? Mr Reg Jones told children at the Grove School about his grandparents and how they lived, and about playing in rural Arbury as a child.
Miss Evelyn Samuel, a fondly remembered art teacher at the Manor School, took the story onto the 1920s, '30s and '40s - and the night incendiaries were dropped across the Manor Farm's Park Meadow - later the site of Manor School/North Cambridge Academy.
Mr Downham told the children about farming in Arbury...
The photograph, bottom left, is of Numbers 1 and 2 Manor Farm Cottages, which stood at the junction of Arbury Road and what is now Campkin Road. Traffic now passes over the spot where the cottages stood.
'King's Hedges Road was a dead end for all but pedestrians...' King's Hedges Road as it is today is a very modern innovation and was extended and redirected over the old Arbury/Harborough Meadows by the ancient Arbury Camp in the late 1970s - lopping off the original end of Arbury Road.
Shopping, heating, and the Second World War...
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